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No.F.6(63)/Policy-I/VAT/2009/871     Dated: 12.02.2009

Circular No. 07 OF 2008-09

Subject : Receipt of DVAT 51

1. It has been brought to the notice that Form DVAT 51 along with Central Statutory Forms, which have been received in the wards either from Front Office or directly are not being kept properly in the dealer’s file.

2. In view of this, it has been decided that all VATOs/AVATOs shall get the year-wise folder prepared for placing the Form DVAT 51 along with the Central Statutory Forms.

3. VATO/Ward in-charge shall be personally held responsible if this is not kept properly in the dealer’s file / year-wise folder. All the Record Keepers along with Ward in-charges (VATOs and AVATOs) shall submit the certificate to this effect that all the Form DVAT 51 along with Statutory Forms have been kept in the respective year-wise folders to the respective Deputy / Joint Commissioners.

4. This issues with the approval of Commissioner (VAT)

(B.K. JHA)
VATO (Policy)

No.F.6(63)/Policy-I/VAT/2009/871-881 Dated: 12.02.2009


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