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11A. Composition of tax by certain registered dealers

11A. Composition of tax by certain registered dealers


(1)(a) The Commissioner may, subject to such restrictions and conditions as may be
prescribed, permit any registered dealer, who carries on wholly or partly the business of
supplying goods in the course of execution of works contract entered into by him, to pay in
lieu of tax payable by him under this Act a lumpsum at such rate as may be prescribed and
determined in the prescribed manner, by way of composition, and this option for composition
will have to be submitted within 2060 days20 of commencement of execution of the works
contract or contract.
(b) The provisions of Sections 18, 20, 20 A, 39 and 40 shall not apply to a registered dealer
to whom permission to pay a lumpsum by way of composition is granted under clause (a) in
relation to the period for and the goods in respect of which such composition of tax has been
made and who complies with the restrictions and conditions prescribed under the said
(2) For the purpose of determination of the lumpsum by way of composition under clause (a)
of sub-section (1), the State Government may prescribe different rates for different kinds of
(3) A registered dealer who opts for composition of tax under sub-section (1) shall not be
eligible to any input tax rebate in relation to the period for and the goods in respect of which
such option is exercised by the dealer.
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