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11. Applications - general.

 11. Applications - general.

(1) Every application under the Act for registration as a dealer or for the amendment or cancellation thereof, shall –
  (i) be furnished in the Forms prescribed in these rules;
  (ii) contain the information and particulars required in the relevant Form;
  (iii) be signed and verified by the person or authority mentioned in section 29 and in the manner specified in the relevant Form;
  (iv) be accompanied by all documents mentioned in the Form;
  (v) be accompanied by proof of payment of the fee as prescribed in Annexure 1 to these rules; and
  (vi) be accompanied by security in the prescribed amount.
(2) Where no Form is prescribed in these rules, the application may be made in writing served on the Commissioner:
PROVIDED that the Commissioner may require that the application be resubmitted in a Form or manner as may be specified by the Commissioner.
(3) The Commissioner shall issue a receipt acknowledging receipt of an application at the time the application is furnished.


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